28 June 2020, Comments: 0

Welcome to an important week at RTS. On Tuesday 30th June we will be holding our first ever virtual sports day; everyone should know which team they belong to, friendship, respect, determination or trust, all names chosen from our school values. The events that you can participate in have all been shared via the seesaw class pages. I really hope that everyone can participate and send in their scores, I look forward to presenting the trophy to the winning team when all of the results are in.

I am delighted to announce that several of our children have won the poetry competition set by the Bilton and Woodfield library. Congratulations to Eli Kwai, Anni Lemmetyinen and Emily Price who were all winners, you can find out more on the library facebook page.

The link below will also take you to the webpage for this year’s reading challenge which I know many of our children enjoy participating in, I hope that you will be able to visit the site and register to take part over the summer.


Over the next few weeks we will be sharing the annual reports with all families as well as the details of the classes for next year and the way in which teachers will be in touch to welcome children to their new classes. I hope that the government will publish their guidance for the start of the new school year which will allow us to see all children return to RTS. Our aim is to make sure that, if possible, you have all of the information that you need to be ready for the new academic year before the start of the summer break.

I hope to be able to announce the arrangements for the last week of this school year and how the year six children will be marking the end of their time at RTS early next week. I would like to have published the detailed arrangements before now, but I am waiting for formal approval from the Trust which will allow me to share our arrangements with everyone.

Last week was art week at RTS and children both at home and school have produced some super work. I have attached a number of examples below for you to enjoy.

This week the theme of our study is diversity, equality and learning from cultures and famous people from around the world. I hope that you will be able to join me for Wednesday worship which will reflect on this important subject.

Andrew Symonds

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