I hope that everyone has been able to enjoy their Bank Holiday Monday.
Before looking ahead to the rest of the week I would like to first say thank you to all of the children, staff and parents who represented the school so brilliantly at the Young Voices concert last Wednesday. It was a very long day for everyone but the children behaved wonderfully and sang brilliantly. Thank you also to all of the parents who came to collect the children after a very late return to school.
I also want to mention the children from Nidderdale Class who attended a great afternoon at the Cuttings Residential Home last Friday to join with residents to learn about the Amazon Rainforest as part of national intergenerational learning week. It was a fantastic afternoon and the children were even featured on BBC Look North on Monday at 6pm. We will hopefully be sharing a link with everyone after the feature has been broadcast.
This week we are squeezing a lot into four days with The Gardening Club meeting Mr Groves for the first time this year on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday we welcome Mr Talbot back to school in his role as diocesan advisor to RTS. After school on Wednesday Mr Starkey will be leading a Parents’ Information Evening for children in Year Six who are going to Scargill House for their residential visit on Tuesday 17th May.
On Thursday Mrs Warburton and Mr Starkey will be taking the school Cross Country Squad to Harrogate High School for the regional finals, good luck to everyone taking part.
All of the children in school will be taking part in growing activities over the rest of the term with each class involved in potato and sunflower growing projects. We will be filling our polytunnel with salad crops and our raised beds with vegetable plants.
Another type of fruit that we are seeking to grow are the Christian Fruits of the Spirit, which St Paul described in his letter to the Galatians. The School will be looking to celebrate the actions of children who show these fruits in their daily lives at school by creating a Fruits of the Spirit tree in the school hall.
The photos below show the children from Nidderdale Class participating in their special activity at the Cuttings last Friday. The QR code lets the children explaining their trip.
Andrew Symonds