4 April 2022, Comments: 0

Welcome to the last week of the spring term. It has been a very busy term with lots to celebrate and the full range of weather as you will see from the photographs below. We have hatched ducks, completed a spring clean and got lots of great learning done.

The last week of this term is always a busy one with lots to enjoy. On Monday Swaledale Class are heading off to the York Chocolate Story to complete their topic and learn how chocolate is made.

Tuesday sees Coverdale Class travelling to York University where they will be studying space for the day. Tuesday is also a very special day in the school calendar as the children from Yr6 get to welcome visitors to our community tea for the first time in well over two years. After school it is chess club as some of the children prepare to take part in the Harrogate Chess tournament over the Easter holidays

On Wednesday the children from Year Five have been invited to join the congregation at St John’s for their midweek morning Eucharist where they will learn the importance of the communion service to Christians. Lunchtime will see the children enjoying a special Easter lunch prepared by Jo and her team, look out for photos on the website.

Wednesday is also Mrs Wood’s last day at Richard Taylor School, after 17 years she will be retiring from the school office. We will all miss her hugely and as a special thank you today’s QR code is from children and staff who want to say thank you to Mrs Wood for being simply the best!

On Thursday Coverdale Class will be enjoying another Lounge Library Day as they immerse themselves in reading. The classes will be judging the decorated egg competition organised by the friends. Don’t forget to bring in your egg, prizes will be given to the best egg in each class.

Our worship time on Thursday is a very special service of reflection where each class will share something that they would like to say sorry for. Also on Thursday at 2pm Mr Starkey will be heading off with the school’s TAG Rugby team to take part in the regional finals.

Friday is the last day of a busy team and we will be heading to St John’s for our Easter Service with Simon, parents are welcome to join us for worship.

We finish for the Easter Break at 2.15pm and I hope that you have a wonderful break and that the spring sunshine re-appears. Thank you for all of your support over the last 12 weeks.

The photos below show our ducklings who left us to go and live a happy life on the farm as well as children making the most of the unexpected snowfall last week.

The QR code will lead you to a special thank you to Mrs Wood from Some of the children at RTS

Andrew Symonds

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