6 May 2020, Comments: 0

This Friday is a very special one for the whole nation as we remember the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day. We have made it a special focus for our Wednesday worship this week and we hope that you can enjoy it where ever you are by following the link below. Special thanks must go to Mrs Wake for her very special musical contribution, Mrs Crisell for her prayers and Mr Starkey for all of his hard work in putting the whole thing together. Follow the links below and join in…

Virtual Wednesday Worship

The theme for this week’s worship is VE Day

To join us for our worship follow this link: https://youtu.be/t_I1TuJKNPY

To join us in our song: https://youtu.be/cj7RcTEX9UQ

Join the special version of ‘We’ll Meet Again’ follow the link: https://youtu.be/o-2cH-u9jX0


    Reflections on Last week’s Worship




Maddy in Ribblesdale is thankful for the NHS, spring flowers and her daddy being at home and baking with them.

More News

Last night we received the good news that we have won the first Inter Home School Games Festival organised by the Harrogate Schools Sports Partnership. Thank you to everyone who took part; there are more competitions planned for the next few weeks. A full list of events can be found on the HSSP website, follow the link https://www.harrogatessp.com/home-intra-inter-school-games-competitions/
below are the results in full:

1st: Richard Taylor – 1418 points

2nd: Oatland Juniors – 1389 points

3rd: Rossett Acre – 1206 points

4th: Pannal A – 1131 points


Using SeeSaw

As we continue to develop our on line learning we are listening to feedback from everyone. One thing that we will be doing is introducing a theme for each week which will hopefully help families with children from different age groups to have a shared focus.

If you are submitting longer pieces of work we have found that taking a picture of anything that the children have produced, either a photo or a piece of writing and uploading it to seesaw is the easiest way. The site will allow you to upload an PDF doc but not a word doc. Staff have told me that they particularly enjoy video or voice recordings uploaded to their class page. Be creative and please remember the message is do what you can, when you can in the way that works for you.


This Sunday, like you I will be listening with interest to see what the pathway to re-opening will be. As soon as we are given a framework we will communicate with everyone how we will make it work at RTS.


Finally, If you have any photographs of your commemorations at home please send them to us and we will share as many as we can next week. Below are two fantastic pictures produced by Kit S and Sienna from Wharfedale Class.

Stay safe,

Andrew Symonds

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