1 September 2022, Comments: 0

Welcome Back to RTS September 2022.

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that everyone has been able to enjoy what has felt like a long, hot summer and that everyone has found sometime to recharge their batteries.

At Richard Taylor we are all looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Tuesday 6th September. Monday the 5th is a staff training day when staff will be updating safeguarding training and preparing for the term ahead.

Everyone has been busy in recent weeks, preparing their classrooms and planned building work is due to be completed by the end of this week.

The first newsletter of the term will be sent out during the first week of term and will contain all of the key dates that you will need for autumn at RTS. We are all very excited about the year ahead and the opportunity to welcome parents back into school for events such as the Harvest festival.


The school was inspected by Ofsted in June of the last academic year; all inspection reports go through a series of rigorous checks prior to publication. Ofsted do not publish reports during holiday periods and so we have to wait until the start of the autumn term to share the results with you.

Everyone will receive the inspection report as soon as it is published to the school.


A number of new staff will be joining the team at RTS this term, and I am sure that you will make them feel welcome and part of our special community.

Please make sure that uniform is named as we are aiming to significantly reduce the amount of lost property collected last year.

If you child requires regular medication please check with the school office that medication kept in school remains in date; Please note parents of all children with medication in school will need to complete new forms from the school office.

I look forward to catching up with many of you as the term progresses and look forward to seeing all of the children back ready to learn and grow on Tuesday 6th September.

Andrew Symonds


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