23 February 2016, Comments: 0

23rd February 2016

Spring Letter 3

Dear Parents


Welcome back to what is a short but action packed second half of the Spring Term 2016. There are a lot of important dates to add to your diary.


Hatch It

Following the success of last year’s Hatch it programme, I am delighted to announce that the eggs are returning to school. We are hoping to have as much success as last year with the majority of eggs hatching successfully. The new batch of prospective chicks will arrive on Monday 7th March. All of the children will have the opportunity to see the chicks hatch during the 2 weeks that they will be with us.


Space Week

The first week back is a special ‘Space Week’ building upon our links with Tim Peake’s space adventure. During the week we have visitors from the Harrogate Astronomical Society and the Space Ambassador programme as well as workshops led by students from St. Aidan’s. There will also be a special ‘Team Tim’ show, a cake bake during school on Wednesday (children to bring 20p if they would like to buy a bun and donations of cakes needed please) and a chance for all children to experience the Cosmodome on Friday. Special mention must go to Mrs Crisell who has masterminded what will be a fantastic week for the children. Wednesday is also an optional Space Fancy Dress day for anyone interested in joining the fun.


Maths Success

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 team of mathematicians who won the Annual Maths Competition for Harrogate schools. It is a fantastic achievement and the team, Abigail Fenwick, Harry Smith, Oliver Lumley Clark and Kezia Jackson, all deserve great praise for their achievement. The shield has gone to be engraved but will soon be back on display in the entrance hall. Special mention to Mrs Warburton for leading the team.


Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight runs between 29th February and 13th March. The focus for this year is Fairtrade Breakfast Products. As well as special visitors to school, we will be entering a Fairtrade competition organised by the Harrogate Borough Fairtrade Group.


Springtime Live

The organisers of the Great Yorkshire Show have asked us to promote this year’s ‘Springtime Live’, which is being held on Sunday 3rd April 2016 from 9.30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tickets can be booked online at www.springtimelive.co.uk and cost £8 for adults, if booked online and £5 for children.


World Book Day

This year’s World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March. It will be a non-uniform day with prizes for the best book character costumes. All children will receive their £1 book voucher on the day and will take part in book related activities.


Sport Relief Day

Sport Relief Day is on Friday 18th March, all of the children will be able to wear sports gear for their £1 donation to the Sport Relief charity. In the afternoon the children will have the chance to take part in our charity fun run around the school.


Training Dates

The next teacher training day will be on Monday 11th April with the school re-opening after the Easter break on Tuesday 12th April.


Scouting News

The 3rd Harrogate (St. Johns) Inca Scout Group, which meets on Tuesdays between 7.30 – 9.15 p.m., at the Scout Hall on Fountains Avenue are looking for new members between 10 1/2 and 14 years. If you are interested in joining, please call Martin Wilson on 07513 054457 or email martinincascout@gmail.com.


A Royal Meeting

Congratulations to all of those children from Wharfedale and Wensleydale who got to meet the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall on Thursday 18th February when the Royal Couple, visiting Harrogate, attended an event to celebrate 50 years of the Harrogate International Festival. The children were taking part in a crime writing event organised by the Pobble team and were very excited when the Prince took time to stop and chat. Special thanks to Mrs Simpson and Mrs Crisell who accompanied the children and got to shake the Prince’s hand.


Library Chairs

A number of the chairs in the school library have become worn out and need to be re-upholstered. We have approached the manufacturers and a number of companies to see if we could get the chairs re-upholstered, without success. I am writing to see if there are any parents who either know a company who could upholster the chairs or who have the skills to help us re-upholster the chairs themselves. If you can help, please let the office know.


Mandarin Classes

Our Mandarin Classes, held on Monday lunchtimes, have proved a great success this half term.


Sainsburys Vouchers

We are busily collecting Sainsburys vouchers which will be used to purchase lots of sports equipment. We are looking for a parent who is willing to help with the job of counting the vouchers and producing a total. If you are interested in helping, please let the office know.


Smelly Yellow Welly Club

The Easter club for children run by St. John’s Church is desperate for DBS checked helpers who are available to help from 30th March to 1st April. If you can help, please contact either the school or church office.


Bed Race Friends News

The Friends of the school continue with their plans to enter the Knaresborough Bed Race this year which takes place on Saturday 11th June 2016. They are looking for a Year 6 pupil who is available to sit on the bed during the parade. If your child is interested and available, please let us know.


Dates for your Diary

Dates for the rest of term are quickly filling up, please check your diary for the rest of the term.


Monday 22nd February            Space Week in School

Wednesday 24th February        Non uniform (Space themed)

Wednesday 24th February        Cake Bake Sale ( children to bring 20p for a bun)

Monday 29th February            Fairtrade Fortnight begins

Thursday 3rd March            World Book Day (book character costumes)

Monday 7th March            ‘Hatch It’ in school

Wednesday 16th March            Parents Consultation Evening – Early

Thursday 17th March            Parents Consultation Evening – Late

Friday 18th March            Tempest Photographs for Year 6 and Reception

Friday 18th March            Sport Relief Fun Run in the afternoon

Tuesday 22nd March Community Tea at 2 p.m.

Wednesday 23rd March            10 a.m. Year 6 to attend Mid-Eucharist

Thursday 24th March            10 a.m. Easter Service at St. John’s Church

Thursday 24th March             School finishes for Easter at 2.15 p.m.

Monday 11th April            Staff Training Day

Tuesday 12th April            School reopens


Yours sincerely


Andrew Symonds




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