8 June 2018, Comments: 0

This week we went to the Yorkshire Show ground for Countryside Day. It was absolutely amazing! First we went to the animal arena. We met a cow called Matilda and a couple of goats that we can’t remember the name of, a few lambs and a another cow.


Next we did woodland art and we had to collect leaves, put them on a piece of cotton, place a piece of plastic over it, hammer the leaves down to make a pattern on the cotton and then peel the leaves off.


Then we went to see the Sheep Show. All the sheep were so fluffy! We even saw a man giving one of the sheep a haircut.


Next we made Sugar mice. We got sugar ball then we decorated it with brown and white icing. Guess what? We got to eat them. They were absolutely delicious!


Then we did Tropical World and we met a giant stick insect, a millipede and a cockroach the stick insect actually felt like a stick, the millipede was red in some parts of it and the cockroach looked like it had plastic all over it.


Last we learned about pig farming. A real pig farmer talked to us all about pig farming so now we are all experts.



By Jessie

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