6 July 2020, Comments: 0


Hello Swaledalers!

A big well done for all your hard work last week. We are so proud of the kind attitudes you have shown towards others in our global community.

This Week’s theme is Music. Look out for some fun activities, which we will post on Seesaw.

We will continue to post links to BBC Bitesize Daily for learning.

Keep practicing your times tables regularly. You can choose this week, which times table you would like to focus on improving.

Remember to look out later in the week for the ‘Science at Home’ investigation. We have been so impressed with the fantastic Science you have been doing from home.

Swaledale’s Got Talent

One activity we will be posting is Swaledale’s Got Talent. We are inviting anyone who plays an instrument, sings, or can compose a dance or gym routine to a piece of music to share a performance with us on Seesaw. If you are interested, you might like to start practicing.

Our Final Week

This week we feel a little sad as it is our last week together as Swaledale before you move across on Seesaw to your new classes for the final week of term. However, each and every one of you deserves to feel extremely proud of yourselves for your positive attitude towards learning whilst working from home. We have been ‘blown away’ with the work you have produced. Thank you all for being Superstars! We will miss you all, but we look forward to seeing when you return to school. Keep up the hard work!

Mrs Heard, Mrs Norman & Mrs Groves xxx

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