28 November 2021, Comments: 0

Welcome to another busy week at RTS as we approach the start of December. Following the weekend’s snowfall please remember to give yourself extra journey time and stick to the gritted pathways when delivering and collecting your children.

This is a very busy week for everyone at school with lots happening. On Wednesday after school we will be lighting our outdoor Christmas tree at the start of the Advent Lantern Procession from School to St John’s Church where we will be taking part in our Advent Service led by Simon and starting at 4.30pm. We have e mailed details of the service to all parents at the end of last week, if you would like more information please contact the school office who will be happy to help.

Parents are reminded that they can send books to school on Thursday 2nd December for the re-gifting 2nd hand book sale which the Reading Ambassadors will be hosting on Monday 6th December, all books will be sold for 20p with the funds raised being used to support the ambassadors reading café. I would also like to congratulate Jay, whose 2nd cake sale raised over £30 pounds to purchase, seeds and equipment for the poly tunnel.

Friday is without doubt one of the busiest days of the school year. In the morning some of the older children will be participating in the Harrogate schools swimming gala. At 11am we will be holding our special charity Santa run for cancer research. On the 3rd December the children can wear red or dress as Santa to take part in the run around school, marshalled by the school’s sports ambassadors. They are encouraged to bring a donation (£1 suggested) which will support our chosen charity.

After lunch the children will be participating the School’s Christmas Fair with class-based chocolate tombolas, face painting and tattooing in the morning and the games designed and build by children from Yr5 and Yr5. The friends information letter will have provided further information but contact the office if you require any additional information.

This event is the start of the Christmas celebrations at RTS. If you need to check the date of other events please check the last newsletter or school diary which can both be found on the school’s website.

On Sunday 12th December St John’s and St Luke’s Churches will be holding their Christingle Services for the Children’s Society. The children at RTS will receive their Christingle collecting candle and letter of explanation later this week.

The photos below show the children from Nidderdale building their own Stonehenge Models out of Biscuits last week.




The QR codes below will provide you will information from Wensleydale Class and our Reading Ambassadors.

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