5 April 2019, Comments: 0


This week, we have done some questions about graphs from past SATs papers. There were pictograms which are graphs where pictures represent something and its quantity. We also looked at lots of bar charts and pie charts and learnt more about interpreting them. This is good practice and hopefully everyone is feeling confident about using and reading now.


In English we continued reading our class book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’, we are now really close to finishing. We answered questions on the chapters we have read. We really recommend this book and author!


We have been given a new trial on a program called IXL. We can practice maths and English. It identifies areas we find a bit tricky and then helps us figure out how to improve in a fun way.


On Friday, we made Mother’s Day cards. We were all given a template of a heart that had needle sized small holes punched all around the edge. We then chose a coloured thread and pulled the thread through the holes randomly across from one side of the heart to the other and it made a pattern. We then glued the hearts onto our cards. I hope all the Mums liked their cards.



Over the duration of the week we had so many exciting worships. CNG came in to talk to us about energy and Mrs Crisell told us about a program we will be joining which is really exciting. It is part of a project that IRIS are doing, this stands for the Institute for Research in Schools. We will find ways to use less energy at school and reduce our carbon footprint which is a really important thing to do. I have looked at the website and this is the project that we are going to be part of. You can find out more here:


We also had visitors from Nepal who taught us a song and Mrs Wake told us about ‘Monkey Boy’ which is a concert the choir have taken part in.

Kimberley Megan and Chloe

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