15 June 2020, Comments: 0

It’s science week!


This week, we are going to be looking at all things relating to science and is something we can do in school and at the same time, at home.

Science is everywhere; in the biology of the human body, to the science of engineering and the chemistry of what things are made up of.

The activities we will be doing will be part of the Great Science Share (you can even learn the science dance). So I look forward to seeing what you have done posted onto Seesaw. This may be the things that I have set, but could also be things you have thought about investigating yourself.

Are you…


Asking questions and predicting?


Observing and measuring?

Setting up and performing a test?







In maths, we will be looking at fractions and percentages and there are some super games and activities for you to play and do while learning.


Have a fantastic week investigating?


Keep safe and look after yourselves.


Lots of love from Mrs Saunderson and the Wharfedale team xxxx


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