23 September 2019, Comments: 0

Welcome to Wensleydale! We’re all settling in really well to our new class and looking forward to an exciting year ahead!

Our first topic is ‘Wonder’ based on a book by R J Palacio. It’s about a boy called August Pullman who was born with the condition Treacher Collins Syndrome. This makes him look different to everyone else in his class. We’re reading the book together as a class novel and basing our English work around it.

In Maths, we’ve been looking at large numbers, multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 and ordering numbers including decimals.

We have several sporting competitions coming up in the next few weeks including tag rugby and swimming. Some of us will be going to the Stray on Wednesday morning to take part in cycling activities connected to the UCI World Cycling Championships, which are taking place in Harrogate at the moment. (It’s very exciting!)

That’s all for now. We’ll write more soon.


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