4 October 2016, Comments: 0

This week there have been many exciting things that we have enjoyed with lots of different activities happening.


In English this week we watched the first part of Wall E and then answered some questions on a sheet. The next day we wrote out our answers in our curriculum book. Also, in English we did about apostrophes. We now know the 3 different apostrophes that are omission, possession and plural.


In maths this week we have been subtracting whole numbers and decimals. We know lots of different ways to subtract mentally. We also did addition problems using all kinds of ways to add. Also, we did some multiplying whole numbers and decimals in our head and we challenged ourselves by going for one of the hardest sheets.


This week we had some of the best actors and actresses from the M and M acting show. They did a show called A Twist in Time about a boy who had gone to a secret garden. We also had the NSPCC challenge. It went great.

By Leah and Ruby

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